Dance Photography: Candid Portrait
Every now and again I happen to catch the right moment and capture an awesome candid portrait. It happens whether I am working or not working. I am always looking for the moment in which I can make a photograph. That is a different mindset from when I am working and sometimes have to create that moment.
Over the last few weeks I have been working on a project with Eclipse Dance Company. During a shoot last night I was fortunate enough to have my camera basically up to my eye balls when I saw one of the dancers posing, but not posing. I pressed the shutter and the result is the following portrait.
For me this photograph works so well because it wasn't scripted, planned, posed intentionally, it was, as you see it in the moment. Thats what makes it a candid image, that what makes it work. Once the project is complete and the performance has occurred, I will share the results of some hard work. Some out of the box thinking and planning. Until then, shoot on/dance on.