New website: New Portfolio
Over the last 4 to 5 years of being a photographer I have shot a variety of subjects. I have done the wedding photography business with a former business partner. I have made photographs of animals. I have photographed food. I have produced some exhibitions, with the fine art mindset. I have photographed politicians, average people, models, places, things, objects, interiors, exteriors, walls, sunsets, etc. I have had two studio based business in which I served the community for wedding and portrait needs. ( I know I stated that already, not trying to be redundant, just transparent.) I have done a lot in a short period of time. It has all been a journey and the development of my career and personality as a photographer.
Chris & Andrea 2013
I am starting this website with a fresh start for my career as a professional photographer. In the years that me and my business partner work managing the studio, I was always hustling jobs and prints. That work has built a reputation and is the guts of the new exoskeleton I am growing. In business you have to be tough, firm, an asshole. Well, a polite asshole, as I recently read in one article about how to concur something and get something out of it. I am making changes, have been making changes, and will continue making changes to my business in order to advance my career as a professional. I have found there are things I am not doing that I want to do, things I am not shooting that I want to shoot, and things I am doing and things that I am shooting that I no longer want to shoot. I am at the pivotal point in life where things are making a bit more sense and after having spent a few years building the foundation, I am ready to start putting up walls to line them with successful, jobs, prospects, shoots, and images.
Personal Work
Some people tear down walls to get where they are going, but if you think of life like you would a house, you need a place to store your life's achievements, belongings, goals, and other life like things. The foundation of your career is built in the early stages, when you need to do certain things, certain jobs, or working certain hours. From that foundation grows the prosperity of your career. How you form the walls, stairs, and moves up is dependent upon the strength of your foundation. The beginning of my career was spent building two foundations. One for me and one for my former business. It was a small house that I have let go of. It is the past and it is out back, around the corner from where I have been working on my personal house.
While the "house" is a metaphor, my photography remains to be ever evolving and growing. New inspiration, new people, new possibilities influence this change. Change is inevitable in all forms of life. You either grow with it or fall by the wayside. Instead of getting behind the change, I am out, making the change. I am making the change that I want to see. Someone profoundly important said that. "Be the change you want to see." Well, I am doing that, making what I want. I am making something new, to have something new, and go new places.