Travel Photography: Charleston South Carolina
I am 90% sure that I have not posted any photos from my travels to Charleston South Carolina last year. In May of 2013, my then girlfriend, now fiance, took me to Charleston for my birthday. It was my 30th and she wanted to do something special for me. Had never been in an airplane before that trip. So it had a lot of meaning.
Charleston is very historic. There is a vibrant, visible history that some cities can not even claim. Among the historic images one can come across on their walks through, there is a culture that makes Charleston a very lavish place to vacation and visit.
Without providing a narrative for every day we were there, like I would like to do, rather I chose 5 images to show what I saw. These are 5 randomly chosen, spur of the moment choice that I think one could say, Charleston is interesting. I will give a one sentence blurb for each photo.
The architecture in Charleston is ornate, charming, often very lavish.
After a day and a half of the intoxicating aroma, I was finally able to ask a local what the flowery bush was that emanated the fragrance. Confederate Jasmine.
During a tour of Charleston, we were told that the homes that do not have a steel fence were the ones that donated to the Civil War, with the expectation they would be returned after the war was over.
Poogans Porch is widely known for their food and their hauntings. Alligator
This little boy was cooling off in a beautiful, well visited fountain located next to the wharf by the river.
While my photographs are mere snapshots of what can really be seen in Charleston, they still capture an essence of the city. Charleston is one of those places were you could spend weeks documenting the life, culture, and ambiance of the city. In the last 18 or so months I have taken mental trips back to Charleston. On a good day, I can remember the taste of Alligator.