Winter in New England: Photography

Winter is usually a time when I can sit down and plan the year out, get taxes done, work on some lingering projects, and spend some time outside. I have a tendency to get in the car when the snow comes and drive off into the foggy wall of falling snow. As much as I love the summer, the sun, the beach, winter brings with it a different light, different colors, and a unique set of contrasts that can only be found in snowy conditions. A few weeks ago we had the first snow fall of the winter season. Not the first snow fall of the year, (2014), but for the 2014-2015 winter season. I happened to be in a rural area heading out to visit a friend when I happened to see some elements in the landscape that I couldn't pass up. I just had to stop and make a few photos. Below is one such photo. 

Recently someone approached me and said there was no way for them to follow my blog or get automatic updates. I have established a news letter/subscribe channel for you to be able to stay current with my work, my blogging, my general photography shenanigans. Simply enter your information below and we will keep you in the loop! Comments, questions, all that jazz still possible below.  


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Drones: Know the NOs