Portraits: Headshots and Fashion
Every so often someone will tag in a Facebook status or connect me with someone I am not friends with that has posted "I need a photographer." Kim posted a status that she need a photographer for head shots for her business that she launched. Kim is as comfortable in front of the camera as she is behind the camera. She has commercial modeling experience and was excited to work with me. A client of mine connected us. We began discussing her needs and then started discussing incorporating some fashion into the shoot.
Kim needed some new headshots for her makeup business that she launched. She wanted to feature the photos online, business cards, and social media. Her face is her brand. Below are a few shots that I delivered to Kim.
I went through some saved images, work that I liked and found inspiring, you know a mood board and sent them along to Kim. For this portion of the shoot I wanted things to be simple. I wanted the photographs to be more commercial, ad based work. There are a few photos not posted here that are on my website and within the print promo that is being delivered to some special recipients this week.