Earth Day
Earth Day 2020
Apparently its Earth Day. I forgot. I didn’t notice until I saw a friend made a post on social media. I opened my calendar on my phone several times today but for some reason “Earth Day” was just a static hold on my list of things to do. I paid no mind to it.
The earth is sad. Mother Nature is weeping in the shadow of our sorrow. Most people are to oblivious to take notice that we are a part of the earth. Most people are so detached from nature, swiping left and right, expressing emotions through devices, and looking through the windows wishing for what they cant have. That is the cold hard truth.
The world, to me, deserves a hug. I don’t mean each and every human being on the planet hugging and holding each other because social distancing is over, because its not and we can’t, but the world itself..
When I decided to pull some photos from my phone I kept coming back to photos within the landscape. I kept looking at photos of me working with models in some awesome place. The world, the earth, the landscape is something I love. I spend a lot of time working outside. I spend a lot of time photographing people outside. It is something I love doing. I have barely begun to scratch the surface of placing people in the world, capturing them in some remote, beautiful desolate, obscure space. I am still very young in my career as a fashion photographer and will continue to photograph people outside, in the wild, in some amazing landscape, that is when I can and once we have a big change and can be around people again.
Before I share some behind the scene photos of me working in the landscape, here are some photos I made over the last year in places I love. I am starting with Joshua Tree as it is one of the most beautiful parks I have been too. The diverse landscape and the evolving geographic structures make Joshua Tree something special.
*All bts are captured by my talented and amazing HMUA Mel. C*
Joshua Tree
Photo Credit: Wonder Mel, Mel C, 2019, Joshua Tree—Photographing Sianna with a Pentax 67
The above shown landscape images are made in Santa Barbera, Malibu, Vasquez Rocks, and LA over looking Malibu. I am captivated by nature. I love exploring remote parts of the world, something I dont do enough of. But one thing is for sure and very obvious, I love photographing people in the natural environment.
I have plans for a shoot in nature. I have the location in mind and half the shoot visualized. I just need the travel ban lifted a few grand, a team, and this shoot will come to fruition.
Until next time, stay safe and stay happy!
Social Distancing
The Lonely Road
A film.
“The Lonely Road”
Guided by no man.
Navigated by all who wander.
Ridden by those who seek.
*To watch the film please click on the image below.*