Drones: Know the NOs
Recently I was interviewed by the local news about my drone, usage, legality, and a few other topics related to the use of drones and the FAA. I begin this post with one idea in mind. One simple thought, which is, I never would have thought technology like this would be so easy to access and that I would be able to fly a camera around. With that being said, here is another thought that came to mind almost instantaneously, never would I thought that making images/video could be so criminal.
The reality is that it is not a crime to operate a drone so long common sense is applied. At least, not at the moment. Here are some no fly examples. Flying a drone around a major airport, that's a big NO NO! Flying a drone around an air force base, an even bigger NO NO! More like a HELL NO NO! Spying on your neighbors wife in the backyard, unless she is a super model and you're a Hollywood Director, yea nope, still a no fly zone. Flying at certain altitudes over municipal buildings without clearance is a no no. Flying over a residential neighborhood under 400' is considered trespassing, a no fly zone.
It really is a common sense practice amongst being a huge responsibility. When interviewed by the news, I was told time and time again that their idea of a story was based on the record number of sales of them over the holidays. Fearing that little Timmy down the street has ones, parents should understand that these are not toys. The technology that is in them is powerful, as powerful as the device itself. Depending on which drone you have, you can have any where from 4-8 spinning blades. That is 4-8 times the ability to hurt someone or something.
When I say it is a common sense practice, it is really more than that. There are things you have to pay close attention to, such as, where and when to fly, how close to properties you should be, observing privacy, observing a safe line of sight, and safe flying practices. The Dji Phantom that I have has a very high range of altitude. The higher something gets, the further it gets away, harder it becomes to see. If you need a really high up, shot, something from above 1000' charter an airplane, helicopter, hot air ballon. I watched a Youtube back in 2014 in which the guy sent his Phantom up beyond its limits. When the controller and the drone stopped speaking, he effectively lost the drone. It wasn't until days later after a neighborhood canvas did he get it back by someone who found it.
I am not going to give you the mathematical or physics breakdown of what would happen with having something fall from 900' up. It should be obvious what would happen, damage. The youtuber went on to say that he wouldn't do that again, yadda yadda yadda. I've never reached my max range with my drone. Unless requested to for a project, I won't be sending mine out to max range. If need be, I would do so with safe guidelines and measures to ensure liability. The truth of the matter is, if you are flying a device in that altitude and it comes back down to earth with a crashing thud, chances are someone or something is going to be damaged. I for one know that I do not want to be held liable for damage to any property. While I do have a good insurance policy in place, that doesn't mean I want to use.
As you might start to read articles and other similar topics related to the use a drones there is another point being hammered, the commercial use of drones. We have all heard that Amazon wants to use them. We are still a few years away from that happening. The sad reality is that the FAA is dragging their feet in clearing film makers and photographers the right to freely prosper economically from this technology. As I said to someone I know who keeps me in the loop on things from time to time, I feel this is a bureaucratic move. Someone in some office, in some state or federal building is telling someone to tell the FAA to not handle this or handle according to how they want it. Another staggering reality is that people are in fear of this technology. The likelihood that someone operating a drone is going to spy on you is ridiculous. The average person operating one, be it a photographer or videographer doesn't care about trivial matters. They are flying with an agenda.
I read an article back about two years ago, about the time drones were becoming popular for people, before it became a debated topic. The article went on to discuss a photographer had used his drone, observed a crime being committed and acted upon that and alerted the authorities. Once convicted the criminal then sued the photographer for a violation of privacy. Only in America....
The rumors are that the FAA wants people to become a fully licensed pilot. Crazy right? Yes. I would happily take on a permit or some other form of certificate that would allow me to legal right to operate my drone commercially. Even more crazy is that the FAA has "awarded" a select few the right to do so commercially. This to me is a red flag with a question. "How were the awarded?" Was a fee paid that allowed them this "award?" Did the apply and receive the right? I can not say. It may not be clear as to how a few companies were given special permission. But again, this goes back to an assumption, someone is calling the shots. If that were not true, the FAA would come out with guidelines, regulations, rules, permitting, laws, etc. They have not. The FAA tells people that they are not allowed to use them commercially, fines will be handed out, and that the policies will not be set for a few years to come. WHY?
The future of the use of drones is a largely debated topic with an invisible question mark that is hovering over the heads of anyone who would like to operate them economically. There are real world applications and uses for them that are beyond the purposes of creating cool images. Recently I became aware of these applications when I used mine to film the exterior of an 8 story building that had a partial collapse that forced residents to evacuate the neighboring building and the closure of a major artery for traffic in the city I live in. The moment the fire dept saw me flying over the roof of the building they requested to see my footage. Following that, the city, structural engineers, contractors, and other city departments were able to see the footage and make their assessments. At the very least, the fire dept did not have to risk the lives of their fire fighters by lifting a ladder to the top of the building.
Aside from the commercial application, there are a number of companies that could be affected by the pending restrictions the FAA is stalling on. Anyone that manufactures drones, drone accessories, parts, or the technology that is used in them could suffer. With a record number of sales in recent months, it is obvious that they are desired and that more people are accepting of them. I read an article yesterday that discussed briefly that pilots of real planes, the ones human beings occupy and are transported in, are reporting the sightings of drones more frequently. The article, brief as it was, mentioned 25 reports a month by pilots. The article did not specify the manner in which every report was logged, meaning just how close each drone was, where the pilot was seeing them, how low the plane was when they were spotted. It was geared towards a more objective response to their rise in popularity. I wonder, think with me for a second, are pilots reporting every time they see a bird? Don't think so. So why is it that a drone is worth so much scrutiny? Again, this goes back to people fearing them.
According to another article that I read, the FAA has won a law suit that effectively re-designated drones as "aircraft." Shenanigans I say. More bureaucratic politics at work. Having them renamed as aircraft now allows the FAA and anyone else for that matter the right to impose further restrictions. The bottom line is that we do not need such stiff restrictions on drones. As I said, I would be all for the legal right to operate commercially. I am by no means arguing against the FAA or saying F the FAA, I am merely trying to defend anyone that wants to use them economically. I wait in wonder as to the future of the economic use of my drone. It is irritating to be reading nonsense on the daily.
In closing, drones are a lot of responsibility. They are not toys and should be regarded as a machine that requires a proper understanding of how they operate. If anyone tells you they are easy to fly, the are mistaken. It takes quite a bit of practice and even more thought and precise control and care to fly. Each flight should be well considered and all spots should be well scouted before flying. As I said earlier, common sense is a must. If you are common sense deficient or prone to accidents, please avoid operating a drone.
The above pictured images were made under safe conditions. Flown in an open area, away from a high traffic airport, and a safe distance away of objects, I observed my surroundings carefully and with caution for what could come into the airspace of my drone. I knew the locations well and did a precise scouting prior to taking off. When I purchased mine, I was not given a handbook of procedures to follow, there was no guidebook for common sense in the box. I applied a set of professional skills and relied on my intuition and smarts to make these photographs. I would encourage anyone who is using or planning to, do so with a smart, clear, objective mindset. Don't fly where you shouldn't, don't push the limits unless you can do so safely, and lastly, just don't do anything stupid...
Real Estate Marketing Video: New Work
During the course of the fall, October and November, I worked on a marketing video for a top selling Realtor, Erin Fontaine Brunelle. I work closely with Erin to capture her properties for her clients. I produce both video and stills of her listings as a part of her marketing. When approached to do the marketing piece I was excited to integrate some aerial work, which can be seen by watching the video below.
Dance Photography: New Work
During October and November I worked closely with the owner/choreographer of Eclipse Dance Co to photograph her dancers for a show that opened at the end of November. This project was a bit different than previous dance shoots. Our objective was to shoot for prints that would be exhibited during the show. Each image would feature a specific pose and be suspended within the dance space. The show did not open on a stage, rather a unique event space that exists within a former mill. The title of the show was "Still Moving." It fused the still images within the actual dance. The pieces were site specific, relying on the structural elements of the space to build a stage. The goal was for the audience to navigate around the space while the dancers moved through the space. It was a different take on observing dance.
I really enjoyed the close relationship the dancers had with the audience. The audience became a part of the show with their interaction. At times the dancers swept their ways through observers. It was different, far more different than most dance performances that I have been too. It was refreshing to be a part of something so creative.
You might not always have an assistant, so do the next best thing, set the lights using whatever talent is available.
In terms of the portraits of the dancers, they were photographed at the dance studio. Over the course of 4 shoots we were able to capture the ideal images of the dancers, the ideal poses, that would fit within the show. Working from a mood board that the owner of the dance co put together, we were able to use her studio space during their rehearsals to capture the images.
We've photographed dancers on roof tops, parks, other landscapes, but this images is one of my favorites because of the relationships between the two. Compositionally I adore the poses.
In the 4 shoots that we had there was only one major technical issue that arose. How do we film the dancers from above? There was a request to film one of the pieces from above. The film was to be shown while dancers performed the piece. It was going to be a dramatic and incredible forced perspective on the piece. The first shoot we were unable to mount the camera in the right manner. Working with my 5d, I tried a few set ups of mounting the camera above the dancers. WIth no luck I had to abandon the entire process that I sculpted. There was one idea that I had that would incorporate a raised pole that went up and down for one of the dance classes. If I could lift the horizontal pole high enough, mount a camera looking down, all would be good. The next challenge, how do I mount onto a 6"+ pole? It took some serious out of the box thinking. In the end I used my Gopro Hero 3+ mounted with a U shaped bracket and a magnet. I had to do some serious research to figure out of a magnet would work. Why? Welp, simple. Magnets F*** things up. Magnets and electronics don't always work. Don't believe me, go grab your computer and a strong magnet and see what might happen. Once mounted, lifted, I ran the Gopro via my iPad and worked closely with the owner of the studio to ensure the dancers were in the right position. After several takes we nailed it, the dancers nailed it, the project came to a wrap.
The following photos were a part of the show.
The following gallery are a few highlights from the performance on opening night.
Travel Photography: Stowe Vermont
Since the beginning of December I have been whining, gripping, moping around saying how much I would like to be in Vermont during the Holidays. Last year Sue and I took a mini vacation from the 28th-2nd. Sue left Vermont on the second to head back to work while I stayed in Vermont an extra 2 and a half days. We rented a nice little cabin/condo from Air BnB at the beginning of December and spent the month looking forward to the trip. I had never been to that region of Vermont and was anxious to see it in its glory. We had snowy days, a load of fun, some great food, and even managed to get published in the news paper on January 1, 2014 for being photographed while tubing down a hill we found. I could spend the next hour diving into what made the trip extraordinary, but I am simply going to just post a few photos.
My mind is stuck on the desire to travel. I was speaking with a friend a short time ago and she gave me a brief description of her travel plans for 2015. I wept out of jealousy of the places she is traveling to. Places I want to see.. As I said two days ago, travel is the big thing for this year.
Covered Bridge, Stowe, Vermont
Cabot Cheese
Stowe Vermont
There is an entire world of beauty. I don't just mean pretty landscapes, cityscapes, oceans, and sunsets, I mean there are places in this world, things that we have built, elements of nature that are just so breath taking that they have to be seen. In this ever expanding world of digital technology, a lot of the world is captured day in and day out by a multitude of devices. It is impossible for your iPhone to translate the sensation of experiencing something first hand. No photograph will give you a feeling quite like physically being some where and or doing something. Sure, you can rely on an image to evoke a memory, but even then, a photograph will give you a flat, two dimension view of the subject matter. I could show you an image of someone rushing down a sky slope, kicking up powder, but unless you are there, doing that action, the photograph can only share the view, tell the story, compel you to share the experience. In short, there is no substation for traveling and absorbing a culture.
Sunset Stowe, Vermont
My final thought is this: Don't be a tourist. Travel and see. Travel and observe. Travel to explore. We went to Bermuda in 2012. I decided it would be a much greater experience if we didn't follow a heard of tourists around to each stop the bus made. Instead we found a hiking trail and went off and saw things other people might not have. Seeing is learning. Learn what the world has to offer and teach others what you have seen.
Great eats, Stowe, Vermont
Ham & Cheese, Fresh Vermont Chedar
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to everyone! Here we are at the start of a new year with new possibilities, new jobs, new ventures in life and work. For me the start of the new year is always a bit stressful. I look back over the previous year, sometimes the year prior as well and compare where I have gone in both work and my personal life. I then think about the upcoming year and where I want to go and do, both in my work and personal life. For me, my work life is my personal life. When I set goals it is based on the work that I am going to do that will affectively enhance my personal life, enriching it with new experiences and new ventures or projects.
In 2015 I will have some major life changes. Getting married will be one of them. Following that will be the launch of a "to-be-announced" project that I have been working on over the last few months. I will be traveling more this year, no doubt about that. And, the new work I will be doing. I am taking my career down newer and much greater path.
In 2014 I worked with some great clients. I worked for some new clients as well as clients I have retained over the years. 2014 was a great year. I was able to integrate new technology into my work that has afforded me the possibilities of creating more dynamic work. I am very thankful for the clients that I worked with, both new and old. I met some great people over the last 12 months and look forward to working with them in the upcoming months.
I plan to feature more shoots on this blog and discuss the work that I will be doing as well as possibly going back to my blogging roots of adding feature content that discusses things I learn, pick up, or implement in my work. On one of my former blogs I used to write tutorials and such and those were always well received.
Have a Happy and Safe New Year!
Travel Photography: The Photographers Guide to Getting a Christmas Tree
In our house, in our families we have Christmas Trees. For the last few years me and my fiance have gone out and purchased the real deal. We aren't into the pre strung LED light plastic wanna-be trees that are sold in box stores for a premium. If that is your thing, cool. We enjoy the search, the tangibility of a real tree, the scent of a real tree, and how going to find the right tree makes for a better experience than pulling out a musty box or a dust covered bag that hides your faux Christmas Tree. I have heard people cry of spilt pine needles. I have heard people wimper at the idea of watering a tree. I have even heard people moan at the idea of a tree smelling like, well, a tree. For us it is simple, a real tree makes for a better Christmas.
This year I am doing something different by writing, "The Photographers Guide to Getting a Christmas Tree. If you are in the Northeast Corner of the U.S. or upper Mid-West, possibly the Western Corner of the U.S. as well, you might find this helpful.
Things to know about a real tree:
Christmas Trees come in a variety of shapes and sizes. When I say variety, I mean a lot. Just to make sure I didn't get things wrong I did a bit of googling. Well, more like looked at one site. There literally is a website called, " National Christmas Tree Association." I know, crazy, huh! According to their site there are 5 types of trees with another 16 breeds. Or is it tree ethnicities?
Trees range in color from greens and blues to browns. Stay away from a Christmas Tree that has brown on it. Those are uglyier than Charlie Brown's tree. Just think, 'brown-bad' 'green-good.'
If you want a great tree for ornaments, you'll want the "White Spruce, The white spruce is excellent for ornaments; its short, stiff needles are ½ to ¾ in. long and have a blunt tip. They are bluish-green - green in color, but have a bad aroma when needles are crushed. They have excellent foliage color and have a good, natural shape. The needle retention is better in a white spruce than it is among other spruces." If you want something with awesome "needle-retention," then consider the "FRASER FIR: The Fraser fir branches turn slightly upward. They have good form and needle-retention. They are dark blue-green in color. They have a pleasant scent, and excellent shipping characteristics as well." If the largest tree with the softest needles is what your heart yearns for, the "WHITE PINE: The largest pine in the U.S., the white pine has soft, flexible needles and is bluish-green in color. Needles are 2½ - 5 inches long. White pines have good needle retention, but have little aroma. They aren't recommended for heavy ornaments," is the tree for you.
Those are just a few of the 16 possibilities you can have. Now on to the fun stuff, the guide!
Step 1. [You must be a photographer] Step 1 is pretty self explanatory. In order for this guide to work you have to be a photographer. If you aren't and you have a camera or a phone with a camera, stop reading and go learn how to be a photographer. Once you have mastered all the cool things and have an made "photographs," then you'll be ready for this guide. If you are a photographer and you're reading this guide, chances are you're looking to score the perfect Christmas Tree. Like a bully making you lick a medal pole during a snow store, I am to make you uncomfortable and sad by saying you're never going to find the perfect Christmas Tree. Perfect doesn't exist. You can come close, but you will never find it.
Step 2. [Go Far Away] For the last few years I have wanted to have the most photographic Christmas Tree experience imaginable. For this to happen you will have to travel. The parking lot of Walmart isn't going to cut it. Find a place that is remote, down a dirt road soaked in mud and snow. Preferably on top of a hill or mountain some where. That is where you will find something photogenic. We took the advice of someone that suggested a Tree Farm that was featured by Martha Stewart. After selecting our tree I later joked that she must have reviewed it from from prison, as we were disappointed.
Pardon me while I take a moment between steps. Last year my friend and I purchased our trees at a Polish Farm in Hadley, MA. It was nothing short of epic in the sense that it was thee epitome of the perfect expereince. The snow as falling, the farm was lit by a fire, music was playing, and the fresh smell of cut pine trees filled the air. After taking time to select our trees we found ourselves sharing a glass of blackberry brandy with the farm owner. The intermixed dialects of old polish and new polish was communicated in the small barn out back. It was the kind of scene you'd find in a movie. It was an incredible experience. Before I continue, I will say one more thing, we chose this year not to go there, not because we didn't want to support them, but to find a new adventure.
Step 3. [What To Bring] You'll want to bring someone really attractive, duh! Oh simmer down, we are all beautiful and this is a politically correct guide. A dog of course because they know how to hunt for the perfect Christmas Tree. If not for the sake of vanity and a great prop for a photo shoot, your significant other and your pup will keep you company as you photograph everything to death. Money is a vital tool to the economic exchange of a Christmas Tree. Have cash.. Rope, twine, chains, bungee cords, duct tape, all things you will need. See step 7. Do I even need to say it, yes, have your camera with you. Another given...
Step 4. [Walk Around] Clark Griswold knew what he was doing when he nearly killed and froze his family to death searching for a Christmas Tree. Walk. When you're tired of looking at green needeled pointy cones, keep walking. The right tree for you is out there. The more you walk, the more photos of your beautiful companion and your dog you can make and the more likely you'll find the right Christmas Tree. Plus it burns calories. Lets face it America, we could all use a good hike in two feet of snow.
Step 5. [Make Photos] Yep, another duh moment. We are all different, have different styles, but the approach is the same. We are there to make photos of every single thing we do, see, and say. Well, some of us anyways. Shoot between the moments. Shoot to capture the moments. Shoot to remember the moments. Shoot because you're bored walking through 2 feet of snow. Shoot because your dog did something cute. Oh, and, of course shoot when you find that tree you've been dying for!
Step 6. [That Tree, No, This Tree] Unless you live in a dorm room, who cares how "fat that tree looks" Seriously. It is better to have some girth than it is to have something too thin. Long and thin, no win. Nice and thick does the trick. You can always prune, chop a small piece of the bottom off, or move some things around the room. Pick a tree that you like. Pick a tree that will suite your needs, fill your hearts, and be the right size for the room. My parents one year had a tree that was about 10' tall. From floor to ceiling, it took up the entire room. I remember that tree as I am writing this guide. Do your kids a favor, give them something to remember.
Step 7. [Leaving] Most places will give you a tree wrapped up in twine. They will take a few moments and shove the tree through this oddly shaped, old as hell machine that shakes the tree and wraps twine around it. From there it is as simple as using the tools you brought with you, step 3, twine, rope, etc. You will want to securely fasten the tree to the roof of your car, truck, suv. If you have a flat bed, a pick up, or some kind of creeper van, and you want to put your tree inside, go for it. On the way home yesterday we saw a car that had a tree with nearly 3/4 of it hanging out of the trunk. What ever you do, make sure it is secure. The last thing you want is to give your kids, dog, significant other the memory of vehicular homicide during the holidays.
Our Tree: My fiance and I went to Justamere Tree Farm in Worthington, MA at the suggestion of her co-worker. We drove for about 55 minutes to get to the location. The amount of snow fall we had last week, the day before Thanksgiving, was enough to coat the farm in a Norma Rockwell kind of fashion. The drive wasn't long. The location was accessible because I have an suv with a nice set of off road tires and 4x4. We both wanted something adventurous, exiting, new. We saw a lot of trees with holes in them. Some Charlie Browns and a few winners. We ultimately ended up with a really fat tree. I am glad that I had a bungee cord and a strap for my roof rack with me. Had I not had those I would have been forced to use just their "twine." Their form of twine was actually a nylon-like plastic string. It was not very supportive. It made for a slight reinforcement from the tie downs I did with my own tools.
Having heard the farm was reviewed by Martha Stewart, I had an expectation. With an A list name such as that, there is a certain connotation that conjures a higher than average level of expectancy. I will say this though. We had our tree delivered to our car for us. It was a short trek from the roots to the edge of the creek where we were met by a staff member who had a 4x4 atv that drove it to our truck. We were let down when we realized they didn't shake the tree and wrap it up making it easier to move. The price though, a whopping $35.00 (sarcasm) was beyond fair. Last year's tree was $60.00. Which came in less than some of the other trees they were selling. So the savings was worth it.
I strive to have moments in life that are worth remembering. Even when I have a camera with me and I have made photographs, it is still nice to have an awesome story to tell someone. For example: Lets say you have a house filled with guests. They ask you, "where did you get such a vivacious Christmas Tree.?" You and your significant other look over at each other and proceed to regale you guests in a tale. If it was a good experience they will be warmed. If it was a heinous and awful moment in your life, they will sympathize with you and make sure they stay clear of a place that will scar them for the rest of their life.
Whether you take my advice seriously or not, if you celebrate Christmas and love going out and getting a tree, go and search. Go with the inspirations of Clark W. Griswold and find that damn near perfect tree. Search high and low and keep your camera close to you. I hope you have a Safe and Happy Holidays.